If you did not file federal taxes, you may be required to submit a Verification of Non-filing letter from the IRS for Verification purposes.  Please only submit information being requested by the Office of Financial Aid.

A Verification of Non-filing Letter from the IRS provides proof the IRS has no record of a filed Form 1040 for 2021 (the tax year being considered for 2023-24 financial aid) or 2020 (the tax year being considered for 2022-23 financial aid).

How to Request an IRS Verification of Non-filing Letter

Review the options below and follow the directions for whichever section applies to you:

I have never filed a tax return with the IRS

If you have never filed federal taxes, there is only one way to get your verification of non-filing letter from the IRS.

You must use the IRS Form 4506-T. Follow the instructions below to complete the paper request form:

  • Complete lines 1-4 following the instructions on page 2 of the form (specifically in the bottom of the second column).
  • Line 7: Select the checkbox on the right hand side for Verification of Non-filing.
  • Line 9: Specify the ‘Year or period requested’ as 12/31/2021 f0r 2023-24 or 12/31/2020 for 2022-23.
  • The non-filer must sign and date the form and enter their phone number.
  • Mail or fax the completed IRS Form 4506-T to the address (or fax number) provided on page 2 of form 4506-T.
  • If the form 4506-T information is successfully validated, tax filers can expect to receive a paper IRS Verification of Non-filing letter at the address provided on their request within 10-15 days.

I have filed a tax return with the IRS in the past (but did not do so for the tax year requested)

There are three options:

  1. Online request
  2. By phone
  3. Use the IRS Form 4506-T

1). To request a tax return transcript online, navigate to the IRS website.

  • Click “Get Transcript Online”
  • Enter the non-filer’s social security number, email address, filing status, account numbers for loan or credit card associated with your name, and mobile phone associate with your name.
  • Select “verification of Non-filing Letter” and in the Tax Year field, select 2020 (for 2022-23 financial aid) or 2021 (for 2023-24 financial aid).
  • If successfully validated, you will be able to view and print a copy of your IRS Verification of Non-filing Letter.
  • If you cannot validate your identity- for example, if you cannot provide financial verification information or you lack access to a mobile phone- you may utilize the Get Transcript by Mail option

2). Order from the IRS by calling 1-800-908-9946

  • Non-filers must follow prompts to enter their social security number and the numbers in their street address. Generally this will be numbers of the street address that was listed on the latest tax return filed.
  • Select “Option 2” to request an IRS Verification of Non-filing letter and then enter 2020 (for 2022-23 financial aid) or 2021 (for 2023-24 financial aid)
  • If successfully validated, non-filers expect to receive a paper IRS Verification of Non-filing letter at the address provided in their telephone request within 10-15 days from the time of the request
  • IRS Verification of Non-filing letter requested by telephone cannot be sent directly to a third party by the IRS.

3). Use the paper IRS Form 4506-T. Follow the instructions below to complete the paper request form:

  • Complete lines 1-4 following the instructions on page 2 of the form (specifically in the bottom of the second column).
  • Line 7: Select the checkbox on the right hand side for Verification of Non-filing.
  • Line 9: Specify the ‘Year or period requested’ as 12/31/2020 (for 2022-23 financial aid) or 12/31/2021 (for 2023-24 financial aid).
  • The non-filer must sign and date the form and enter their phone number.
  • Mail or fax the completed IRS Form 4506-T to the address (or fax number) provided on page 2 of form 4506-T.
  • If the form 4506-T information is successfully validated, tax filers can expect to receive a paper IRS Verification of Non-filing letter at the address provided on their request within 10-15 days.

I live outside the U.S. and cannot obtain the IRS Verification of Non-filing letter

Residents of the Freely Associated States (Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia), or a U.S. territory or commonwealth (Puerto Rico) or a foreign central government who are not required to file an income tax return under that taxing authority’s rules must submit the following:

  • A signed statement indicating that person was not required to file taxes in 2020 (for 2022-23 financial aid) or 2021 (for 2023-24 financial aid) by their tax authority and the name of the country where they resided during the specified tax year
  • Documentation of all the individual’s earned income for the year they were not required to file taxes
  • Each non-filer listed on the verification worksheet must provide a statement. Please include the name of the non-filer, the student’s name and CSUID number.

I answered the tax filing question incorrectly on the FAFSA and have filed (or will file) for the 2020 (for 2022-23 financial aid) or 2021 (for 2023-24 financial aid) tax year.

Provide 2020 (for 2022-23 financial aid) or 2021 (for 2023-24 financial aid) Federal Tax Return Information.

Submitting the IRS Verification of Non-filing to OFA

After you receive the Verification of Non-filng letter from the IRS:

  • Write the student’s name and CSUID on the IRS letter
  • Keep a copy for your records
  • Submit the IRS Non-filing letter to the Office of Financial Aid via one of the methods below:

Secure Upload

You must have your CSUID to upload documents.

Accepted document types: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .img, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .tif, .rtf, .xls, .xlsx

Document size limit: 4 megabytes

Mailing Address

Colorado State University
Office of Financial Aid
1065 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1065


Be sure to include your CSU ID on any faxed documents to ensure they are properly indexed to your account.

(970) 491-5010