Financial Aid Refunds
- After financial aid requirements have been met, grants, scholarships and loans will be credited directly to your University student account. The soonest financial aid may disburse to your student account for any given term is 10 days before classes start.
- Federal financial aid will pay up to $200 of prior year charges and all current semester institutional charges. Students may authorize payment of non-institutional charges.
- State, institutional, and private financial aid will pay all charges.
- Changes in enrollment may affect tuition and fee assessments as well as financial aid eligibility and the financial aid award amount.
- Refunds may only be issued if your financial aid exceeds the total amount billed to your University student account, the residual aid will be refunded to you for other educational expenses.
- If a credit balance is refunded, and subsequent charges are posted to the student’s University student account, those charges must be paid when billed.
- Your financial aid for the semester is finalized based on your enrollment at the end of the add/free drop period. If your financial aid refund was based on full-time enrollment and you drop classes during add/free drop, you may be required to repay some of your financial aid.