Students who are members of any Native American Tribe with historical ties to Colorado can be granted in-state tuition classification under the Colorado American Indian Tribes In-State Tuition Act (CO SB 21-029) effective Fall 2021.
Residency- Members of Native American Tribes with Historical Ties to Colorado
How to apply
- Submit a completed application for admission
- Submit proof of tribal citizenship or membership no later than 15 business days before the start of the academic term
Send Official Tribal Citizenship Documents to:
Native American Legacy Award
Office of Admissions
Colorado State University
1062 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1062
Fax (970) 491-7799
[email protected]
Examples include a copy of your certificate of enrollment or the front and back of your tribal membership card.
Reach out to the Office of Admissions
[email protected]
(970) 491-6909
Next steps after receiving Colorado resident tuition classification:
Students who qualify will also be eligible for State and Institutional aid such as the College Opportunity Fund (COF) and resident financial aid.
1.) Apply for COF
Undergraduate students with Colorado resident tuition classification could be eligible for the College Opportunity Fund (COF). COF is a stipend for undergraduate students that pays a portion of their total in-state tuition.
Eligible undergraduate students must apply for COF in order to receive it.
2.) Apply for Aid
If you’d like to be considered for State and Institutional financial aid, be sure to submit a financial aid application and complete all outstanding financial aid requirements. You can track your application status on the financial aid awards and requirements page of RAMweb.
Note: nonresident students who are citizens of state or federally recognized Tribes that do not have historical ties to Colorado may still qualify for a reduced tuition rate in the form of the Native American Legacy Award (NALA).